Code Complete

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Code Complete is a series of six albums for which I wrote all the software in Max/MSP, and then improvised on that software to lay down the tracks. Mastered by Dave Misener.
Code Complete is Project #1500 at Cycling 74.
Volume 1: Prototypes
On Prototypes I experimented with a wide variety of coding techniques that were new to me, hence the title. Chief among these was a method of audio rate sequencing that I found in a Max patch that was circulating, supposedly the work of Autechre. This method enables rock-solid timing in Max, which is frequently problematic but a necessity for dance music.
Volumes 2 & 3: Operations 1, 2
Operations originated as an audiovisual performance piece (read more about that here). My sound design goals were to explore FM synthesis, and be able to manipulate sequences on the fly. I took the live software into the studio and improvised the tracks on Operations 1 and 2 in about two weeks of sessions.
Volumes 4 & 5: Variations 2.0, 2.1
For Variations 2 I rejigged multiplayer performance software I'd written for my improv techno ensemble G Group (read more about G Group here), making it suitable for playing solo in the studio. This software incorporated the sample set I had used on my previous albums Orchestrion and Variations 1.
Volume 6: Autoludes
With Autoludes I deployed a further iteration of the G Group software, one that emphasized synthesis over sampling. The main feature of this software is the ability to sift random notes into traditional keys or modes, hence the more tonal harmonic scheme.
released May 2019